Unwanted hair on your face can’t be hidden with long sleeves or pant legs. It’s out there for everyone to see. For a permanent solution to this errant hair on your upper lips or chin, Laser Bar and Spa offers hair removal using Cynosure® Elite+™ at their location in Herald Square in New York. With laser hair removal, you eliminate facial hair for good – no more plucking, waxing, shaving or tweezing. Call today for your appointment or schedule using this website.

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How does laser hair removal work?

After a consultation at which you explain your aesthetic goals, you come in for your appointment. Laser hair removal for the face is usually pretty quick, lasting just about 20 minutes.

When the small laser applicator is applied to treatment areas on your face, the energy penetrates your outer layer of skin to target the pigmented hair follicles beneath. These follicles heat up to a temperature that renders them unable to grow hair. You need multiple sessions because hair grows in cycles, and laser hair treatments are most effective when hair is in the active growth phase.

What areas on the face can be treated with laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is effective just about anywhere you have unwanted hair. Women in particular appreciate hair removal for the:

  • Upper lip
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Jawline

Men might appreciate hair removal for their side-burns or to reduce the need for shaving so you avoid razor burn, bumps, and uncomfortable ingrown hairs.

Why should I consider laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is quick and effective when it comes to clearing the fuzz from your face. It can be hard to keep up with the errant hairs on your upper lip, chin, cheeks, and jawline. Treatment with the laser for hair removal:

  • Permanently reduces hair on your face
  • Boosts your self-image and makes you less self-conscious
  • Prevents razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and irritation

The laser used at Laser Bar and Spa is FDA cleared and safe for use on your face. Treatments are discreet and don’t leave noticeable side effects. You may have slight redness following a session, but it fades quickly. When you complete all of your sessions, you achieve smooth skin that makes you feel confident.

How should I care for my face following laser hair removal?

You don’t need any official downtime following laser hair removal, but you should avoid sun exposure for several weeks afterward, as your skin is temporarily extra sensitive to ultraviolet rays. If you use any scrubs, glycolic acid, or retinol creams on your complexion, avoid them for two days before and after treatment. You may benefit from a little extra moisturizer, too, as the treatment can leave your skin a bit dry.

After laser hair removal treatments on your face, avoid chemical peels for a few weeks and tanning products for about two weeks or as long as your technician recommends.

For smooth, hair-free skin, call Laser Bar and Spa or book online today.