For men and women with dark hair on their arms, Laser Bar and Spa offers a solution. No more messy, time-consuming waxing or inefficient shaving is necessary. The practice, located in Herald Square in New York, provides state-of-the-art hair removal using Cynosure® Elite+™. The laser energy destroys hair follicles so that uncomfortable hair on your arms can’t grow back and you get smooth limbs for good. Call the office to learn how you can benefit from laser arm hair removal.
request an appointmentWhy remove arm hair?
Some women are blessed with thick, dark hair, but don’t feel so blessed when it graces their forearms. If you feel self-conscious, removing that hair is a priority for you. Men who have a lot of hair on their arms may also prefer the feel of smooth skin, and if they participate in endurance sports or bodybuilding, may appreciate the performance aspect of hair-free arms.
What methods work for arm hair removal?
You don’t want to shave dense, thick hair on your arms because it only causes ingrown hairs and may encourage thicker, darker regrowth. Bleaching kits lighten the hair, but do nothing to get you the smooth skin you desire. Depilatories are messy and time-consuming while waxing visits add up and require regular maintenance. Between waxing visits, you’ll have a period of stubble and prickly regrowth.
Laser hair removal is a superior choice. In just a few sessions, you eliminate hair for good, so you get smooth, silky, touchable arms.
How does laser arm hair removal work?
With the Cynosure Elite+, you get the absolute latest in laser hair removal technology. The system penetrates beneath your outer layer of skin to target the hair follicles that lie beneath. The follicles heat up in response to the laser energy and become inactive, so they can no longer grow hair.
How many sessions will I need?
The exact number of sessions you need depends on your skin type and hair density. Thicker, darker hair usually requires a greater number of sessions. For most people, 6-12 sessions are adequate.
You need multiple sessions because hair grows in cycles. It’s most responsive to laser hair removal when in a growth cycle, and multiple sessions ensure that all the hairs are treated while in this cycle.
How long does a session take?
Each session lasts about 15 minutes. The providers at Laser Bar and Spa offer you a numbing cream prior to treatment if you’re concerned about uncomfortable sensations, and then give you ice packs afterward to soothe your treated skin.
If you’re ready to get smooth, flauntable arms, call Laser Bar and Spa.