A hairy chest and back can be uncomfortable or interfere with the smooth skin. Some men simply find excess hair makes them feel self-conscious. Laser Bar and Spa offers a solution. No more messy, time-consuming waxing or inefficient shaving of hard-to-reach places. The practice, located in Herald Square in New York, provides state-of-the-art, permanent hair removal using Cynosure® Elite+™. Call today to learn how you can get a smoother chest and back or book an appointment online.
request an appointmentWho is a candidate for laser hair removal on the back and chest?
If you have excess hair on your back, chest, or even stomach that bothers you aesthetically or is physically irritating, laser hair removal is a viable solution. You can achieve a nearly hair-free, smooth torso, or just thin out your hair growth so it’s finer and sparser.
How many treatments will I need?
The back or chest need about 6-8 treatments for successful hair removal. These appointments are scheduled 6-8 weeks apart. A session for your chest takes approximately 15-20 minutes, and the back will take about 30 minutes to complete.
How effective is laser hair removal on the back and chest?
Laser hair removal is quite effective at thinning out the hair, and depending on your skin type, hair type, and hair density, eliminating all of it if you desire.
Hair reduction happens when the laser energy passes through your outer layers of skin to heat up the pigment-containing hair follicles. This makes the follicle no longer able to produce hair. While multiple sessions of laser treatments render most hair follicles dormant, it’s possible for some to regenerate.
How do I prepare for laser hair removal?
Prior to your laser appointment, shave the chest and back area. Don’t wax hair, however, as it makes it impossible for the laser energy to target the follicle effectively.
You should also keep out of the sun or tanning bed for about three weeks prior to any laser hair removal session. Laser hair removal works best on light skin and dark hair.
Before your treatment begins, your technician draws a grid to ensure the entire area gets treated, then applies a soothing cream or aloe to alleviate redness and inflammation.
Do I need to schedule downtime after a treatment?
You don’t need official downtime following a laser hair removal session – you can go back to work and daily life. Your skin may feel like it has a mild sunburn, and you should avoid the sun as it can irritate your newly sensitized skin. Plus, working out, saunas, and hot tubs may cause sweating and heat that irritates your treated back and chest.
If you’re ready to reduce the hair on your chest and back, call Laser Bar and Spa or book an appointment using this website.